Protocol on cooperation of institutions and NGOs in the provision of support to witnesses / victims signed in Trebinje

On Thursday, June 23, within the project ,, Ensuring access to justice witnesses / victims by strengthening the existing and establishing new networks of support for witnesses in BiH“ in Trebinje was signed ,, Protocol on mutual cooperation of institutions and non-governmental organizations in providing support to victims / witnesses  in matters of crimes within the jurisdiction of the District Court in Trebinje. ” 

This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development ACED Banja Luka, Vive Žene – Tuzla, Medica – Zenica and Foundation Udružene žene – Banja Luka. By the act of signing a network of support to victims / witnesses  in matters of crimes within the jurisdiction of the District Court in Trebinje was established. This network was created in order to provide faster and more efficient multi-disciplinary support and, where appropriate, taking care of victims / witnesses before, during and after trial. By establishing this network acquired the conditions for adequate and timely assistance to victims / witnesses in the cases of all crimes.

The signatories of this protocol are: District Court in Trebinje, District Prosecutor’s Office in Trebinje, centers for social work – Trebinje, Gacko, Bileća, in Foča, Čajniče, University Hospital Foca, Foca Health center, NGO Oaza Trebinje, NGO Stop Mobbing Trebinje, NGO Nisi sam Trebinje, Association of Civilian Disabled and war victims in Eastern Herzegovina, the Municipal organization of families of captured and Killed soldiers and missing civilians Foča.
