EU zastava

Donor: EU-EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights)

On December 31, 2009, ACED signed a contract with EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights), a department of the European Union, about the cofinancing of the project “Balkans independent disability framework“ ACED will implement project activities with its partner KOOIRS – Coordination Board of Organizations for the Disabled in Republika Srpska. The overall objective of this two-year project is to create stimulating conditions for disabled people, their families and Associations of disabled in BIH to become active members of society – capable to protect and improve their socio-economic status.

The specific project objective is to increase the capacity of local associations of the disabled, unions of these associations, and the Coordination Board of Organisations for the Disabled in RS (KOOIRS) and to establish strong and productive links between government, business, and organizations of people living with disabilities. The specific objective is broken down into four Component Objectives:

1.Improving the legal framework for Associations for the Disabled and people with disabilities
2.Building the institutional, organisational and technical capacity of Associations for the Disabled
3.Increasing awareness of disabled persons’ rights
4.Strengthening links and cooperative relationships between organisations for the disabled throughout BiH

Expected project results are as follows:

•Increased invalid’s awareness and understanding of policies, decisions and how they affect them.
•Draft “LAW ON ASSOCAITIONS OF INVALIDS” introduced for official legislative consideration as an amendment to the existing Law on Associations and Foundations.
•Standardized codes of conduct developed.
•Adopted procedures for endorsement and compliance by the Invalids’ associations (IA).
•Strengthened reliability, credibility, trustworthiness, and capacity of IA.
•IA represents the interests of, and delivers quality services to specific constituency needs.
•Increased visibility and transparency of associations’ work
•Strengthened influence of associations
•Networking activities among local IAs developed
•Working relationships between BIH Associations for the Disabled established
