EU zastava

Donor: EU-EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights)

Activities under this three-year project, funded by the European Union will be implemented simultaneously in 3 project “partner countries”, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH), Serbia and Montenegro with close cooperation and participation of 2 project associate organizations from 2 project “associate countries” Croatia, and FYR Macedonia. Representative disability associations from all listed countries will constitute the Balkans Independent Disability Framework while the capacity building, national networking and legislation policy advocacy and monitoring will be conducted in 3 target project countries.

Overall objective:

To contribute to democratic stabilization and EU accession of Balkans countries by strengthening the civil society participation in decision and policy making processes at all government levels.

Specific objective:

Establishing an independent regional framework of disability organizations for harmonization and monitoring of national legislations according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.

The specific objective is broken down into four Component Objectives:
1.Promote the integration of self-regulation mechanisms by establishing national Working Groups in 3 regional countries;
2.Encourage cooperation and partnership among CSOs, APDs and national governments by conducting evaluation of existing laws and regulations;
3.Improve the legal framework addressing people with disabilities by preparation of the reports on compliance and harmonization of legislation in three project countries;
4.Promote effective government oversight, accountability and transparency by preparation of the “Guidelines and recommendations for harmonization of the legislation with UNCRPD” country reports.
Main activities:
1.Organizing trainings and capacity building of national working groups;
2.Facilitating technical assistance and evaluation of existing laws and regulations;
3.Organizing Balkans Independent Disability Framework meetings, conferences and round tables;
4.Preparation of compliance reports, guidelines and harmonization recommendations;
5.Facilitating and monitoring national and regional policy advocacy campaigns.
Estimated results:
1.National working groups (focal points) established in three countries;
2.The evaluation of existing laws and regulations conducted;
3.Balkans Independent Disability Framework established;
4.The reports on compliance and harmonization of legislation prepared;
5.The guidelines and recommendations for harmonization of the legislation prepared.
