In order to strengthen the leadership capacity of representatives of mreVUK Canton Sarajevo , in Sarajevo , from 13 to 15 November 2014 , held a three-day training. Training was attended by 36 of the presidents of high school students of the Sarajevo Canton . Among others , the participants discussed topics such as : the problems they encounter in high school , nationalism , lack of information about students volunteering opportunities , sexual orientation , lack of interest of the school management for the Council of students , about the need for a web site on which to high school students could meet with topics that are close to them . Within Training Wear , presented the results achieved Students’ Council of the Sarajevo Canton last year, elected new leadership network and created a plan of action for the upcoming 2015 year .
Program of developing student council networks in BiH, implemented by ACED in partnership with OKC, is financially supported by the European Union, the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), and BTD (Balkan trust for democracy).