At the meetings held on 04 and 05 March this year, the project team presented the project ,, Ensuring access to justice for witnesses / victims by strengthening existing capacities and establishing new networks of support to witnesses throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina “. The goal of these meetings is that the representatives of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, SIPA and the State Prosecution introduced to this project, its objectives and activities, and to achieve mutual cooperation. Representatives of these institutions have expressed their willingness to cooperate and pointed to recognize the significance of this project. It was also stated that the provision of support to witnesses / victims, necessary community work institutions and organizations at all levels, and pooling and use of existing resources through a network of support to witnesses / victims. Representatives Representatives SIPA pointed out that it is necessary, according to the possibilities of the project, incorporate education by sector-specific profile, especially for investigators who work directly with the witnesses / victims. At the meeting, representatives of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council have expressed their willingness to support the project and proposed to initiate the implementation of the analysis of the needs assessment on the ground in the courts and prosecutors to the EU and the UNDP. The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina pointed out that it is necessary to initiate the establishment of a fund for the means of transport / allowances for witnesses in remote communities. Also, in these meetings with all parties agreed that it is necessary to conclude a formal co-operation agreement, which sets out the obligations and responsibilities of the signed page.