Regional meeting held within the project ,,Balkans independent disability framework “

The project ,, Balkans independent disability framework “on 27 and 28 March was held a regional meeting in Popova Kula, FYR Macedonia.
Present were the representatives of the Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development, IC ,, Lotus “- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities – Serbia, Polio Plus – FYR Macedonia, Union of Association of Paraplegics of Montenegro.

At this meeting they discussed issues of realization of the project itself, the visibility of the Balkans independent disability framework, and the capacities of organizations of persons with disabilities. It also revised the questionnaire that was used to assess the capacity of organizations of persons with disabilities. They also discussed the formalization of the network, and its registration as well as the capacity building of the network. Defined steps that relate to increasing the visibility of the Balkans independent disability framework in public. The meeting was joined by g. Alexander Krzalovski from the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), who spoke about their personal experiences in the formation of regional networks in the field of civil society.
He shared with members of the Network dilemmas and difficulties encountered during the formation of networks at the regional level, but also examples of good practice in the operation and formalization or registration of these networks.
