Within the project “Promotion of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility”, which is implement by the Agency for Cooperation, education and development ACED from Banja Luka and the NGO “Svjetionik” from Prijedor and is funded by European union, in partnership with the educational institutions and other partners, will be organizing
Academy of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Academy is primarily intended for the pupils and students of the final highschool years, with entrepreneurial ambitions for quality business ideas, and entrepreneurs novices.
The Academy will be held in Banja Luka (Banja Luka College), and in Prijedor (City development agency PREDA) In the course of the April and May 2016. Each cycle of the Academy for each of the previous addition sites include 20 students (a total of 40 students for both locations).
Entrepreneurship Academy will be organized through 7 practically oriented modules. Modules will be realized in two days in the course of one week. The topics of the module include:
From the idea to the registration of business
How to master and dominate the market
Financial planning
Human Resource Management
Visit of economic entities
Writing business plans
Lecturers will be experienced practitioners with significant experience in the enterprise and providing consulting services for businesses.
Participants will be awarded certificates on the response of the Academy, and the most successful can expect and support in the realization of its entrepreneurial ideas.
The participants will be select through the Public Invitation, and the criteria for the selection of include the interest for entrepreneurship and quality of the business ideas.
All interested highschool students, students and young entrepreneurs, need to fill in the application form and to send him to The: Info@nvo-svjetionik.org, no later than by 15 March 2016.
The Commission for selection of candidates procjeniće filled applications and perform additional talks with the best ocjenjenim candidates.
[button id=””style=”filled” class=”” align=”” link=” http://aced.ba/site/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Prijavni-obrazac.doc” linkTarget=” _self” bgColor=”accent1″ hover_color=”accent3″ font=”15″ icon=””icon_placement=”left” icon_color=””]Download[/button]