Training for representatives of the Student councils network of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and West Herzegovina Canton

Training for representatives of mreVUK (Network of student councils) of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and West-Herzegovina Canton was held in the period from 03.14.2016. to 04.16.2016. in Mostar.
The training was attended by 24 representatives of the Council of secondary school students from the area of ​​Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and West Herzegovina Canton. The training was marked by visits to the Assembly of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, where representatives of the Assembly and representatives of the BiH Ministry for Education, Science, Culture and Sport of HNK  agreed concrete cooperation with high school student councils network of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton in the project entitled “Index for Inclusion” and “Presentation of the Law on Youth FBiH “.

Program of development of student councils netvork in BiH, implemented by ACED in cooperation with OKC, is financially supported the EU Commission and the NED (National endownment for democracy).
