Training for the mreVUK representatives – Zenica-Doboj Canton

Leadership skills capacity building training  for representatives of the network of student councils of Zenica-Doboj Canton (mreVUK ZDK) was organized in Jelah from 26 till 28 October 2018. The training was attended by presidents of student councils of Zenica-Doboj Canton secondary schools. The first part of the training was devoted to analyze the work of the network, focusing on cooperation with relevant institutions at cantonal and local level. The participants also analyzed work of student councils from perspective of student participation in decision making processes. In the continuation of the training the representatives of students assessed needs of secondary school student population they represent, and, based on analysis results, they created guidelines for assessment of secondary school student needs  in this canton. The questioner created by mreVUK ZDK incorporated guidelines derived from recommendations of the Ministry of Education of Zenica-Doboj Canton, that mreVUK has very good cooperation with. These guidelines mainly refer to assessment of frequency of peer violence in schools.

During the training participants elected the leadership of network, defined the annual work plan and plan for advocacy campaign.

This activity was implemented within the project „Youth Empowerment and Development Initiative“- YEDI, implemented by ACED in partnership with mreSVUBIH. The YEDI project is funded by the European Union.
