Workshop on strategic planning and networking held in Pale

29 and 30 November 2012 in Pale, the two-day workshop was held for representatives of networks PROGRESS . During the first day of the workshop work was also attended by representatives of the network GARD from the FBiH , as well as several women’s associations in the RS and FBiH who are interested in ongoing activities and to connect networks that develop within GARD project . Maintenance of this workshop enabled through the support of the Centre for Gender Equality of the Government, and the arrival of the visiting associations supported by GARD project and organization CARE International .

During the first day to the participants of the workshop were presented :

Results of previous networking activities with the aim of providing support to women in rural areas , and within GARD project ;
Lessons learned from the study visit to Spain on the role of networking of women in rural development ( GARD , November 2012.) ;
Web – database / portal for associations that support one in rural areas ;
Upcoming training in ACED in the member associations of women from rural areas ( writing of project proposals , business planning ) ;
New opportunities for the presentation of the products of women from BiH abroad ( Primanatura , Doboj ) .
