Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development ACED Banja Luka, together with its project partners NGO ,,Vive žene “- Tuzla, NGO ,, Medica” – Zenica and the Foundation ,, Udružene žene “Banja Luka, organized 29.07.2015. The Round Table in Trebinje with the aim to establish institutional network to support victims / witnesses in the Trebinje region.
The roundtable was organized within the project ,, Ensuring access to justice for victims / witnesses through strenghtening existing and establishing new witness support networks in BiH “funded by the European Union. The aim of this project is to establish eight new and strengthen six existing networks to support victims / witnesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In addition to members of the project team, the roundtable was attended by representatives of social welfare centers, mental health centers, a representative of the OSCE, the Association of Detainees of Trebinje region, and representatives of NGOs from the Trebinje region.
As part of the agenda of the round table was presented the project ,, Ensuring access to justice for victims / witnesses through strenghtening existing and establishing new witness support networks in BiH “, were presented and previous experiences of establishing support networks witnesses / victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and sent a proposal to form institutional network of support to witnesses / victims in the area of Trebinje region.
During the discussion, the participants concluded that an adequate psycho-social support to witnesses is very important. You need to define clear steps to create support networks, as well as adequate access to the sustainability of networks. It was concluded that the community, especially in smaller communities, has a lot to do to combat the stigmatization of victims.