Banja Luka book club Carpe Librum invites you to creative analysis of Hesse novel “Steppenwolf” through creative writing workshops and drawing.
The main objective of the project Carpe Librum is building the culture of reading literature through an innovative approach to literature.
By analyzing the novel Steppenwolf (Hermann Hesse) and the exchange of individual experiences of readers influence the strengthening of confidence of young students, and at the same time we practice openness to other perceptions. The possibility of contact with more experienced artists opens young people new horizons for creative action. Participants in the project will be motivated to be creative and to participate actively in social processes.
Concept Boutique words, the author Natasa Kuzmanovic and artist Joseph Mićković, based on interdisciplinary art practice, somewhere between oral and written literature. Boutique words recognize the inseparability of words and images, and blurs the lines, at first glance to impossible places. The form of literary writing and presentation mixed with painting and graffiti. Voice and the visual words coexist and proliferate until a an entirely new aesthetic sense of the sea.
Boutique words will be held in the park Mladen Stojanovic from 24 to 28 August.
You can sign up by August 15 via e-mail