VIII Conference of mreSVUBIH-a was held in Sarajevo from 08-11. of May 2016. . High school students, on 9th May (Europe day) organized a street performance with the aim of drawing attention to the problem of brain drain from BIH. The performance included a collective leave the country with the message: ,, We swear that you’ll want us back. ”
About five hundred students from all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the assistance of students from the Republic of Serbia, Croatia and Sloveni, organized a central activity on the occasion of fiercest enemy of this country – the brain drain. In an interesting, interactive way, high school students through a series of activities highlighted the problems encountered during the secondary school education. In five different, and important locations, high school students organized action, which included messages sent to the authorities. The main event was completed with the sentence “we’re high school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which we dont want for you to be.” addressed to all those who can influence the changes in education, and consciously or unconsciously do not.
Program of developing networks of highschool student councils in BiH, implemented by ACED in partnership with OKC, financially supported EU Commission.