Within the project “Promotion of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility”, implemented by NGO “Svjetionik” from Prijedor and the Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development in Banja Luka, in partnership with educational institutions and other partners, on Monday 16.03. Started the first Module of Entrepreneurial Academy. The first session with selected candidates was held in Velika Kladusa, then in Prijedor and Banja Luka. Entrepreneurial Academy is intended for students and graduate students, with entrepreneurial ambitions and preferences of good business ideas, as well as new entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial Academy will be realized through 7 practically oriented modules. Each module will be implemented in two days in a week. Within the academy will be handled theme, that of the ideas come to business registration, communication, how to master and dominate the market, strategic management, quality management systems , finance for non-economists, and writing business plans. Lecturers at the academy are experienced practitioners with many years of experience in entrepreneurship and providing consulting services to enterprises. Participants will, upon completion of the Academy, to be awarded to certificates of attendance of the Academy, and the most successful they can expect support for the realization of their entrepreneurial ideas.