Training for mRESURS representatives of Banja Luka region

15-16.04.2015 . in Banja Luka was held training for representatives of student councils of Banja Luka region mRESURS . At the meeting were present the President of the Council of 24 students who analyzed the current problems in the network and ways of resolving them .

During the training, an analysis of the work of the Council for secondary school students the Banja Luka region in the current school year , and an analysis of the difficulties they encountered network werer recognized . Special attention during the training was placed on campaign mreSVUBIH a ,, We want to know – leave or stay? ” Which aims to draw attention to the increasing emigration of young and educated people from our country . It also made ​​the pan and implementation of actions by the end of the 2014/15 school year . year , and one of the key activities of the literary competition ,, Art for art’s sake ” , which aims to promote creativity among young people . Program of developing student council networks in BiH, implemented by ACED in partnership with OKC, is financially supported by the European Union, the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), and BTD (Balkan trust for democracy).
