Promotional round table held in Podgorica

Promotional panel discussion about the presentation of the document ,, Guidelines and recommendations for harmonization of legislation with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) “was held on 28 October 2015 in Podgorica. The event was organized by the Paraplegic Association of Montenegro within the project ,, Balkan independent disability framework”funded by the European Union through the EC enlargement programme.

Promotional round table brought together representatives of civil society and the public sector. This document was created as a result of the implementation of a regional project implemented by the Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development ACED in partnership with the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia, the Paraplegic Association of Montenegro and the Movement against disability Polio Plus from FYR Macedonia.
