Alliance for EU integrations presents alternative replies to 716 questions from the EC’s Questionnaire for BiH

The Alliance for EU Integration (A4EU) today presented the EU Ambassador to BiH Lars-Gunnar Wigemark with the civil society’s report titled “Alternative Responses to 716 Questions from the EC Questionnaire for BiH”. The responses were prepared by civil society organizations from the entire country, with the support of the EU’s Technical Assistance of the Civil Society Organisations in BiH (TACSO).

Ambassador Wigemark welcomed the report, stressing it shows that civil society in BiH is taking the integration process seriously: “A strong support for EU integration is present. There are still some disagreements on how to get there, how the change will come about, but I think you can rest assured it will happen. It is an ongoing process and it is easier to change things before entering the EU.”

Dusko Vucic from the A4EU explained that their campaign aimed to encourage civil society organizations, entrepreneurs, academia, activists and media to actively participate in the EU integration process. Over 500 persons from 38 municipalities in BiH took part in the preparation of the report via the web platform and consultations were held across the country.

“We want to contribute by involving as many stakeholders as possible – individuals, organisations, companies, media, experts, all of us to do our part in identifying the problems that need to be solved by adopting new laws and in drafting these laws,” Igor Stojanovic, representatives of the A4EU, on the occasion.

The Alliance was initiated by Centers for Civic Initiatives and the Agency for Cooperation, Education, and Development.
