Training for the representatives of the mRESURS Trebinje region

Training for representatives of the Trebinje region of the Network of Student Councils of Republika Srpska (mRESURS) was held in Trebinje in period 10-11 November, 2018. The training was attended by representatives of secondary schools in the mRESURS Trebinje region. The analysis of the network’s work has shown that this network is one of the most successful regional networks of mRESURS, especially in regard to the operation of student councils in secondary schools and communication among the network members, arranged mostly through social networks due to geographical distance and poor traffic communications in this region.   Like in the previous years, representatives of the high school students  of the Trebinje region worked intensively  on strengthening  communication channels through organisation of student gatherings. They planned the activity with a symbolic title „Here We Are“ , aimed to gather student representatives in the Andric’s town, in Visegrad.  The annual work plan, defined during the electoral meeting in September, was analysed against the achieved results and revised in line with the identified obstacles.  Also, participants analysed the draft of questionnaire designed for assessment of needs of high school population, and the annual work plan of mRESURS.

This activity was implemented within the project „Youth Empowerment and Development Initiative“- YEDI, implemented by ACED in partnership with mreSVUBIH. The YEDI project is funded by the European Union.
