Training for representatives of mreVUK and mreVUŽ of the Herzegovina- Neretva Canton and the West Herzegovina Canton

Capacity building training for representatives of the student council network of the Herzegovina- Neretva Canton and the West Herzegovina Canton was organized in Mostar from 10 till 11 November 2018.  The training was attended by presidents of the student councils of the cantonal networks. During the first part of the training the participants analysed work of cantonal networks and networks of the school councils. Like in the previous years, the participants addressed the issue of high apathy among the high school population, especially the lack of motivation for any type of activism or involvement in decision-making process and advocacy campaigns. According to their opinion, present apathy is mostly the reflection of political environment they live and study in. Aiming to address this issue and contribute to solution-making efforts,  most part of activities included in the plan for this year are designed to increase  participation in volunteering and advocacy activism of the high school population.

In continuation of the training the participants elected their leadership and defined joint activities to be conducted by the networks. The questionnaire for assessment of needs of high-school population in the Cantons was also drafted during the training.

This activity was implemented within the project „Youth Empowerment and Development Initiative“- YEDI, implemented by ACED in partnership with mreSVUBIH. The YEDI project is funded by the European Union.
