Regional Conference held in Srebrenik

Regional conference mreSVUBIH and president of youth parliaments of Serbia, was held in Srebrenik, from 5 to 7 December 2014. The conference was attended by 17 presidents of youth parliaments of Serbia and 15 representatives mreSVUBIH’s.

During the conference, representatives mreSVUBIH’s are their peers from Serbia passed on the experience of good practices in the field of establishing a sustainable network structure, the electoral processes in the network, the establishment of effective channels of communication within the network and network with the environment, the establishment of mechanisms for cooperation with government institutions in charge of education and young people. Most of the conference is dedicated to the methods of representation and advocacy needs and interests of high school students, and the role of elected representatives of high school students.

Representatives of students from BiH taught representatives of high school students how to analyze the needs of high school students how to organize research, create campaigns that will attract high school students to participate, but at the same time draw the attention of decision makers. In addition to learning about representative democracy, they learned about the customs and traditions of the cities from which they come and develop new friendships that will take place through meetings that are scheduled in the coming 2015..Program of developing student council networks in BiH, implemented by ACED in partnership with OKC, is financially supported by the European Union, the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), and BTD (Balkan trust for democracy).
