In the period from 31.07. to 06.08. in the premises of the Eco Centre “Usce” in Trebinje was held training for trainers. The training was attended by trainers who have undergone the same training earlier years and young people who are of school 2015/16. completed secondary education and have decided to continue their informal education through the Network of student councils in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Through seven days of the camp, participants were adopting many of the same skills that will help them in their future performance workshops. Through the creation of workshops saw the motivation, innovation, accuracy, precision of all camp attendees to facts that show how the skills the previous three working days. On the fifth working day workshops that have been completed have not arrived the day before to do this was organized visit to the town of Trebinje and leaving the premises of the Red Cross, where they discussed the future of the Network, its next steps, presented the teams and their tasks.
Program of developing networks of highschool student councils in BiH, implemented by ACED in partnership with OKC, financially supported EU Commission.