Training for the representatives of student councils of the Tuzla Canton, Posavina Canton and Brcko District

Capacity building training for representatives of the student councils of the Tuzla Canton, Posavina Canton and Brcko District   was organised in Zivinice from 09 till 11 November 2018.

Thirty presidents of the student councils worked together for three days intensively, defining strategic guidelines to respond to the needs of the high-school population in this region. Upon drafting the questionnaire for assessment of student needs in 40 schools, participants elected the leadership for the networks, defined three work plans and planned joint activities to be conducted in cooperation of the three networks.  The training participants had opportunity to work together and exchange experience about the problems of the high-school population in two cantons and the District. They concluded that problems of their peers were very similar regardless different curricula they followed.

This activity was implemented within the project „Youth Empowerment and Development Initiative“- YEDI, implemented by ACED in partnership with mreSVUBIH. The YEDI project is funded by the European Union.
