Conclusion of the seventh civic debate: Using the “Corona Crisis” for online acquisition of knowledge from foreign professors

The next in a series of debates organized by mreSVUBiH in cooperation with the Agency for Cooperation, Reconstruction and Development (ACED) was held on 7 June via the online platform ZOOM Meetings. In addition to the mreSVUBiH staff, the debate was attended by 17 participants from various parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topic of this debate was education during the coronavirus pandemic.

At the very beginning, the participants tried to say something interesting about themselves. A very current and interesting topic gave them an opportunity to state their opinions on education in completely new and unexpected circumstances. Considering that the participants were students at different universities, and two of them even from Ljubljana and Trieste, the discussion was quite interesting. Participants shared their positive and negative experiences during online lectures and exams. Most agreed that the quality of lectures and exams was much better when held live in amphitheaters. As a positive side of the lecture through the online platform ZOOM Meetings, they pointed out that this method was much more practical and better for visiting professors and for students who would have an opportunity to acquire knowledge from major experts from abroad.

Through an interesting discussion during the debate, participants also discussed crime during the pandemic, politics, and nationalism as inevitable topics when it comes to the quality of life and education of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the end of the debate, the participants were divided into four groups with the aim of getting to know each other even better. After that, they were given time to exchange views on the positive and negative steps that the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina had taken in the past three months. This event lasted 90 minutes. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the debate and a desire to participate in similar activities in the future.

